Saturday 25 August 2007

Hurrah for Flaming Blobs

Nothing much but fragments today - my brain has not been helped by all-day TV, although I must admit that thinking was at the bottom of my agenda (or rather, not thinking was at the top of it).

1) Excellent television watched today:

The Quatermass Experiment (1955 Hammer film version) - pre-Sputnik wonder at "what lies on the other side of the sky..."; a blatant 'monster-meets-little-girl-by-river- but-retains-some-shreds-of-humanity-and-can't-harm-her' reference to the James Whale Frankenstein; a huge flaming blob enveloped in lightning, perched on scaffolding in Westminster Abbey; and any number of absurdly classic scripting moments, such as "But these fingerprints aren't even - human..!"

Animal Park - as ever. Animals can't be fake, ambitious, stagey, vapid, otiose, sarcastic, sycophantic, patronising, or otherwise TV presenter-like. Actually Kate Humble's not bad.

Doctor Who & The Daleks - the slightly (sometimes very) comic remake with Peter Cushing as the Doctor, some kid as his physics-spouting Shirley Temple-meets-Velma from Scooby Doo granddaughter, a lot of very gay-looking elves, and Roy Castle as an unforgettable Dalek impostor (just imagine a Dalek with the voice of Roy Castle).

2) Things I need to buy/do/investigate/somehow find:

Oil paints, brushes, turps & canvas.

Life-drawing at local gallery for £5.

A muse, dammit (cf. Beatrice Portinari, Lizzie Siddal, Jeanne Duval etc).

Online dating, re: above item.

3) Things that are messing with my mind at present:

Upcoming medical exam in order to keep benefits, and thus not lose the best opportunity I've had in years if not ever (occupation therapy art course) to start "rebuilding my life", as TV presenters would doubtless describe it.

Lack of artistic muse - see item 2).

Dreams. I dreamt an artist who didn't exist, whose paintings of imaginary women were beautiful enough to make one cry - but whose entire oeuvre was lost in that annoying way that, upon waking, what sometimes seemed like a month of real life ceases ever to have existed.

4) Chosen Verse from Baudelaire for Today


La très-chère était nue, et, connaissant mon cœur,
Elle n'avait gardé que ses bijoux sonores,
Dont le riche attirail lui donnait l'air vainqueur
Qu'ont dans leurs jours heureux les esclaves des Mores

- Les Bijoux



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